GD > Archive Item Section[gd_archive_item_section] - This provides opening and closing sections to be able to wrap output and split the archive item template into left and right.
GD > Are You Interested?[geodir_event_ayi] - Displays "Are You Interested?" widget on front end.
GD > Events Calendar[geodir_event_calendar] - Displays the events calendar for event post type.
GD > Google Analytics[gd_google_analytics] - Show google analytics stats for the listing.
GD > Linked Posts[gd_linked_posts] - Displays the linked posts. Note: This widget will be removed in future, use GD > GD Listings widget to show linked posts.
GD > List Loop[gd_list_loop] - Shows the current posts saved to a list.
GD > List Loop Actions[gd_list_loop_actions] - Shows the actions available to the user on a list page, like the author actions like edit and delete list.
GD > List Save[gd_list_save] - Shows button to add a listing to the list.
GD > Listings[gd_listings] - Shows the GD listings filtered by your choices.
GD > Loop[gd_loop] - Shows the current posts from the main WP query according to the URL. This is only used on the `GD Archive template` page. It loops through each post and outputs the `GD Archive Item` template.
GD > Loop Actions[gd_loop_actions] - Shows the archive loop actions such as sort by and grid view, only used on Archive template page, usually above `gd_loop`.
GD > Loop Paging[gd_loop_paging] - Shows the pagination links if the current query has multiple pages of results.
GD > Post Meta[gd_post_meta] - This shows a post single post meta.
GD > Post Rating[gd_post_rating] - This shows a GD post rating stars.
GD > Post Title[gd_post_title] - This shows a GD post title with link.
GD > Pricing[gd_pricing] - Displays pricing plans for the post type.
GD > Recent Reviews[gd_recent_reviews] - Display a list of recent reviews from GeoDirectory listings.
GD > Recently Viewed[gd_recently_viewed] - Shows the GeoDirectory Most Recently Viewed Listings.
GD > Search[gd_search] - Shows the GeoDirectory search bar.
GD > Single Closed Text[gd_single_closed_text] - Shows a closed down warning text if a post has the closed status.
GD > Single Expired Text[gd_single_expired_text] - Shows a expired warning text if a post has the expired status.
GD > Single Next Prev[gd_single_next_prev] - Shows the current post`s next and previous post links on the details page.
GD > Single Reviews[gd_single_reviews] - Shows the comment/reviews area for a single post. (this will remove any further instances of the comments section on the page)
GD > Single Tabs[gd_single_tabs] - Shows the current posts tabs information.
GD > Single Taxonomies[gd_single_taxonomies] - Shows the current post`s categories and tags.
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