GD > Frontend Analytics

All Widgets come as Widgets, Shortcodes or Blocks. Learn more about our Super Duper Widgets.

The GD > Frontend Analytics widget displays your Google Analytics stats on the frontend. It can be added to any widget area, or as a shortcode to a template, or as a Gutenberg block in content areas. 

Widget Options

  • Title - The title for the widget.
  • Button Text (A) - The text for the "Show Analytics" button. 
  • Google Analytics Visible To - Select the user roles that Analytics will be visible to. For instance, you can set it to only Administrators, or only Logged in Users, or to Everyone. You may also set it to Post/CPT Author or Profile Owner. 

Example Output

Sample output, with default stats: 

Output with yearly stats: 

Output showing stats by country: 

Using Frontend Analytics with Pricing Manager

If you are using Frontend Analytics extension with the Pricing Manager extension for GeoDirectory, you need to manually grant access to Google Analytics for each package. You can find the option to enable Google Analytics for each package on the page CPT > Settings > Packages.

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