GD > Categories

All Widgets come as Widgets, Shortcodes or Blocks. Learn more about our Super Duper Widgets.

The Categories Widget displays the categories for a given post type. It comes with many design and filter options so you can show off your categories how you want.

Widget Options

Settings are divided into sections, click the section title to reveal its settings.


  • Title (general) - The title for the widget.


  • Post Type - Select the CPT (custom post type) to show or leave set to Auto to use the CPT from the current URL.  If no CPT is set or in the URL then the default CPT will be used.
  • Add CPT ajax select - Display a select box above the widget that allows users to switch CPT via AJAX.
  • Hide empty - Hide categories that have no published listings.
  • Max sub-cat depth - The maximum number of subcategory levels to show.
  • Max cats to show - The maximum number of categories to show.
  • Max sub-cat to show - The maximum number of subcategories to show.
  • Do not filter for current viewing post type - This will prevent the CPT filtering using the current URL CPT.
  • Tick to show all the categories. Leave unticked to show only child categories of current viewing category. - This, for example, will show the subcategories of a category when viewing the parent category page.


  • Show CPT title - This will show a title for the current viewing custom post type e.g: Place Categories
  • Title tag - The HTML title tag used to display the CPT title above.
  • Hide count - Hide the category numbers count from the design.
  • Hide icon - Hide the category icon from the output design.
  • Use category image - This will use the category default image instead of the icons in the list.
  • Show single column - This will show the category list output as a single column, this is good for sidebars.


  • Sort by - Select the category output sort option. Count will order by the most published listings and A-Z will order by name alphabetically.

Example Output

Default output:

Example with CPT title, category images instead of icons and empty categories hidden.

How to Set a Default Post Type for Categories?

You can limit the number of categories that are shown via the GD > Categories widget. More importantly, you can also adjust the default post type for the widget. 

To do so when using the Supreme theme, head to file /wp-content/themes/supreme-directory/inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php and remove cpt_ajax="1" to stop it from adjusting to the CPT selected.

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