GD > Best of listings
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The Best of listings widget shows the highest rated listings from each category of a post type.
The widget will show one category list at a time with category name tabs that switch between them via AJAX loading.
Widget Options
Most settings for this widget are advanced settings, reveal them by clicking the button next to save.
- Title - The title for the widget.
- Default Post Type - This is the default CPT to use, core only has Places but Extensions can add different ones.
- Tabs layout - This sets if the tabs should show on top, on the left or as a dropdown select on top.
- Posts to show - The maximum number of posts to show.
- Categories to show - The maximum number of categories to show.
- Enable location filter - If enabled this will filter the listings shown to the current location in the URL.
- Use current viewing post type - If selected this will use the current viewing CPT from the URL.
Example Output
Tabs on top example
Tabs on left example
Tabs as select example: