GD > Locations
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The Locations widget displays locations currently in your database such as Countries, Regions, Cities or Neighborhoods. The widget can show a location type such as "cities" relevant to the current Country or Region being viewed or this can be manually filtered in the settings to show specific locations.
Widget Options
- Title - The title for the widget.
- Show Locations - Select which locations to be shown in the list (default is Cities).
- Output Type (A) - Select whether to display the locations as a list or an image grid.
- Number of Locations - Select the number of locations to be shown.
- Show Pagination on Top (Checkbox) (A) - If checked, pagination options will appear at the top.
- Show Pagination at Bottom (Checkbox) (A) - If checked, pagination options will appear at the bottom.
- Show Advanced Pagination Details (A) - This option will display advanced pagination info after the pagination (such as "Showing Page X of Y").
- Disable Location Filter? (Checkbox) - If checked, the Location Filter will be disabled.
- Show Current Location Only (Checkbox) - If checked, only the current location will be displayed.
- Country Slug (A) - Filters the locations by country slug when Location Filter is enabled.
- Region Slug (A) - Filters the locations by region slug when Location Filter is enabled.
- Show/Hide Options (Widget only) - Choose where the widget should be displayed.
Example Output
Sample output, with cities being shown as image grid: