Settings Overview for Post Type (CPT) > Settings > Packages
This is the Settings Overview for Post Type (CPT) > Settings > Packages. Each CPT in GeoDirectory has its own Packages tab in the Settings section. This is where you can add new packages or modify existing packages pertaining to that particular CPT.
You need to have the Pricing Manager extension installed and activated in order to access these settings.
- Add New (Button) - The Add New button is used to add a new package for that particular CPT. Read more about adding new packages.
- Name - Shows the name of the package.
- Price - Displays the price of the package.
- Lifetime - Displays how long a given package is valid -- a package's lifetime can be specified when adding a new package in terms of days, months, years. If left empty, the package is valid forever and has "unlimited" lifetime.
- Invoicing Item - Displays the ID of the relevant Invoicing item attached to that particular package. This option is visible only if you have selected Invoicing as the Cart option.
- Default - Displays which package is currently set as the default one.
- Status - Shows whether the package is active or not.
- Order - Shows the display order of the package. This is used for sorting the packages.
- ID - Shows the ID of the package. Just like WordPress posts and pages, each package also has a unique ID.
How to Edit/Modify an Existing Package?
If you hover your cursor over the package you wish to modify, you will see two options:
- Edit - Used to edit an existing package.
- Refresh (icon) - Used to synchronize a given package with its attached Invoicing item. This option is visible only if you have selected Invoicing as the Cart option.
Once you click the "Edit" option, you can modify the package settings and details.