How to Use GeoDirectory Snippet Variables in Yoast?
You can use Yoast to manage meta for GeoDirectory listings and insert GeoDirectory custom field data and GeoDirectory variables into Yoast Settings.
By default, GeoDirectory can handle its own meta data for pages and CPTs using the GeoDirectory Titles & Metas settings.
Use Yoast with GeoDirectory
Custom Fields
You can use GeoDirectory Custom Fields in the Yoast search appearance settings for the Single page templates.
To render GeoDirectory custom fields the _gd__ prefix is necessary.
Examples: %%_gd__timing%% or %%_gd__website%%
You can use GeoDirectory variables in Yoast search appearance settings.
GeoDirectory variables, the complete list, can be found in your site on the Titles & Metas settings page.
To render GeoDirectory variable in Yoast meta, add an additional underscore _ prefix for the variable.
Examples: %%_in_location%% or %%_in_location_country%% or %%_gd_category%%