Menu Items
GeoDirectory offers several unique menu items available in the Wordpress menu settings.
Note: This guide discusses how to add GeoDirectory-specific navigation on the frontend.
Using the Setup Wizard
GeoDirectory's setup wizard runs automatically on initial install.
If you didn't install the menu items the first time, click here to see how to run it again.
Customizing the Menus
Add and adjust menu items with the WordPress menu settings.
Find this at:
WP Admin --> Appearance --> Menus --> GeoDirectory endpoints
Look for the 'GeoDirectory endpoints' section. Expand it to see each of the menu items.
Menu Link Types
GeoDirectory endpoints - The GeoDirectory page templates. ex. "Add Place"
CPT - Individual listings within each Custom Post Type. ex. "Places"
CPT Categories - Individual category archive pages within the Custom Post Type. Links are dynamic and will reflect page location. ex. "Place Categories"
CPT Tags - Individual tag archive pages within the Custom Post Type. Links are dynamic and will reflect page location. "Place Tags"
Lists - Links to Individual public lists. Requires List Manager Addon.
Missing Menu Link Types? Check the Screen Options tab.
GeoDirectory menu types may be hidden with the 'Screen Options' settings.
Scroll to the top of the menu settings page to click on 'Screen Options' to reveal additional menus. Place a check next to each option you want to show in the menu settings.
New to WordPress? Try the WordPress documentation about menus.