GD > Pricing customizations

Hide Unavailable Features in a package:

.geodir-pricing-containerli.geodir-fe-times-circle {
     display: none;


Modify package features with a PHP hook:

add_filter( 'geodir_pricing_package_features', 'my_custom_gd_pricing_features', 999, 4 );

* @param array                                    $features   Array of package features.
* @param GeoDir_Pricing_Package   $package   Package object.
* @param array                                    $params    Array of widget settings parsed with the defaults.
* @param array                                    $args         Array of unparsed widget settings.

function my_custom_gd_pricing_features( $features, $package, $params, $args ){}

$features structure: 

See geodir_pricing_package_features() in geodir_payment_manager/includes/template-functions.php 

Override the GD > Pricing template (bootstrap):

1) geodir_payment_manager/templates/bootstrap/pricing.php (wrapper + sets some params used by the loop template):
This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/geodirectory/bootstrap/pricing.php.
2) geodir_payment_manager/templates/bootstrap/loop/package.php (single package html):
This template can be overridden by copying it to yourtheme/geodirectory/bootstrap/loop/package.php.
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