Beaver Builder - Getting started

GeoDirectory can be used with Beaver Builder.

Page Builder and Theme Builder

Beaver Builder is a page builder. When you download the free addon from it is a page builder that can be used on the GD Archive item or the Location page templates.

Beaver Themer is a premium addon for Beaver Builder that enables the creation of special layouts that can be used for the GD Details, GD Archive, and GD Search Archive pages. Themer is required to make BB work for those templates. Using the basic page builder on those templates will have unpredictable results.

Special Settings

Once you have installer Beaver Themer there is only one setting added in the Pages settings. In this setting you can choose the BB Themer search layout to be used on the GD Search page. The page will use the URL of the WP Page you have set in the pages settings, but will show the layout of the themer layout of your choice.

Usage - Shortcodes or Widgets

With Beaver Builder you can use shortcodes or widgets. If you choose to use shortcodes, then always use a BB shortcode or HTML module, not a text module.

Example - Creating a Search Page Layout with Beaver Themer

To setup a search template layout with BB Themer follow these steps:

  1. Go to Builder > Themer Layouts > Add New
  2. Set Title = GD Search, Layout = Archive & click on “Add Themer Layout” button to save themer layout.
  3. Go to Builder > Themer Layouts > Edit “GD Search”. On edit layout page in Themer Layout Settings section leave “Location” blank & click on “Publish” or “Update” button to save.
  4. Setup layout using themer elements & widgets > Save
  5. Go to GeoDirectory > Settings > Pages >  “GD Search” > Select "Default Content". Copy and paste the default content into a shortcode module on the page then Save Changes.
  6. Go to GeoDirectory > Settings > Pages > Beaver Builder Settings > Search Page Themer Layout > Select “GD Search” > Select your new layout here, then save.
  7. To view the page, go to the pages settings. Find the GD Search page, and click the 'View' button.

Default Content - Creating Default templates in Beaver Themer

You can quickly create the GD Details and GD Archive in BB Themer with the default content.

Add a new layout, called GD Single, set it for the Places (CPT) single. Proceed to copy the default content from the Pages settings, and paste it into a shortcode or HTML module. Save, and you are done. Repeat for the GD Archive, setting the location for the Places archive.

Connecting Custom Fields

When you add a heading module, for emple, Beaver Themer gives you the option to connect that module to a post custom field.

To do this with GeoDirectory, you will need to know the 'key' of the custom field. You can easily find that by visiting the custom field settings on your site, opening a field properties screen, and clicking the 'Show advanced' blue button at the bottom. From there just find the key setting and copy that.

Head back to your module and select the option to connect the field and to enter the key. You will first need to click into the text field, then type a prefix for the field 'geodir_' then paste. For example, the website field will be 'geodir_website'.

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