Set Specific Category in Search Bar on a Specific Page
In some cases if you are writing a page or blog post referencing a specific category on your site, you may want to pre-set the selected category in your search bar, to do this you can add the below snippet using the Code Snippets plugin.
add_filter( 'geodir_search_output_to_main_categories', '_my_set_cat_search', 8, 3 ); function _my_set_cat_search( $html, $cf, $post_type ){ global $post; if( is_page() && isset($post->ID) ){ // use is_page() for pages and is_single() for blog posts if( $post->ID == 1469 ){// page ID $_REQUEST['spost_category'][] = 3; // category ID }elseif( $post->ID == 1234 ){ // page ID $_REQUEST['spost_category'][] = 9; // category ID } } return $html; }