Glossary of terms

AJAX Technically: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, in reality, this is usually referring to a task that runs in the background of a webpage without having to refresh the whole page.
CPT Custom Post Type
Custom field GeoDirectory custom fields allow extra information to be added to your listings, such as business opening hours, entry fees, phone, website link etc
Element All GD widgets are also available as shortcodes or Gutenberg blocks. How you add a GD element will depend whether you add them to a page, or sidebar etc
Extension Extra plugin that gives your GeoDirectory website advanced capabilities.
Frontend The public part of your website, where users can add their listings and visitors can browse the site
GD GeoDirectory
GeoDirectory Core This refers to the main GeoDirectory plugin available from
Listing Entry in your database for a business or event etc. 
Location Refers to cities (towns or villages etc), regions (states or provinces etc) and countries.
OSM Open Street Maps. This is the name of a map provider.
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