Frontend Analytics Setup Guide

This setup guide will run through a typical setup of the Frontend Analytics WP plugin from start to finish.


The Frontend Analytics WordPress plugins allows you to add a button to the frontend that can be used to display Google Analytics stats and information on your site. You can add this button as a widget, block or shortcode. 

For a full list of features see the Frontend Analytics product page.


The first step if you haven't already, is to install the Frontend Analytics WordPress plugin, much like you'd install any other WP plugin from the repository. 

Step 1 - Settings

Once installed and activated, you can find the Frontend Analytics settings at Settings > Frontend Analytics

The Fronend Analytics WP plugin comes with sane defaults meaning the default settings will work for the majority of users, however, there are many customizations that can be done via the settings, for a full explanation of what all the settings do please see our settings overview.

Step 2 - Integrating Google Analytics 

In order to display your Analytics stats, you need to integrate Google Analytics with Frontend Analytics. This can be done by adding your auth code and selecting your Analytics account in the Settings section. 

To learn more about Google Analytics Auth Code and other setup info, read the Google Analytics documentation

To find the UA code in the new generation of Analytics, review Set up Analytics for a website (Universal Analytics).

Step 3 - Adding the Widget

Once you have setup Google Analytics, you can add the GD > Frontend Analytics widget to your site's frontend. It can be displayed anywhere in a widget area, or as a Gutenberg block in content areas, or added as a shortcode to any template. 

Read the GD Frontend Analytics guide for additional information. 

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