Settings Overview for Design > Email Template

This is a settings overview for the Design > Email Template page.

You can use template tags in any emails that you configure via the GeoDirectory plugin.

Email Template 

  1. Email Type (A) - Specifies the type of email, such as HTML or plain text.
  2. Logo - You can use it to add your logo to the email template.
  3. Footer Text - Specifies the footer text of the email. (default: - Powered by GeoDirectory )
  4. Base Color (A) - The base color of the email template.
  5. Background Color (A) - The overall background color of the email template.
  6. Body Background Color (A) - Body background color can be adjusted using this setting.
  7. Body Text Color (A) - The color of the body text.
  8. Header Background Color (A) - Header background color can be adjusted here.
  9. Header Text Color (A) - The color of the header text.
  10. Footer Background Color (A) - Specifies the background color for the footer.
  11. Footer Text Color (A) - Specifies the color of the footer text.
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